Loan Applications

Car Loan & COE Renewal Loan

Asia Carz Car Loan Profile

Car Loan / COE Loan

Thinking of Renewing Your COE or Buying a New Car?

Whether you are considering to renew your COE or purchase a new or pre-owned car, you will need a huge amount of funds in a short time. However, applying for various bank loans takes a lot of effort with low chances of success.

At Asia Carz, we understand the banks’ approval criteria and can significantly increase your chances of loan approval. We will present to you a list of pre-approved loans and the respective interest rates for your selection so you can be assured of the most competitive rates available in the market.

Not just that, we also are able to provide in-house loans so you can be almost assured of a loan at the end of the day.

With just a few calls and understanding your financial situation, we will be able to assist you in your loan application

Features & Benefits

We Can Help You with Loans

No Total Debt Servicing Ratio

Interest Rate as Low as 2.78%


Fast Approval

Low Down Payment

    Personal Details


    Contact no.*


    Loan Details

    ID type*
